The journey of the senses in Provence...

Embark on a journey along Routes de la Lavande® in Provence, to meet the passionate people who cultivate and transform the “blue gold” of Provence.

Known worldwide for its unique landscapes, lavender, this plant with its incomparable perfume and extraordinary virtues, is cultivated by passionate men and women, ready to share their history and their know-how with you. Along the Routes de la Lavande®, we have selected producers, distilleries, companies, without forgetting the inevitable gastronomic breaks and the famous lavender festivals!

From the plateau of Valensole to the Mont Ventoux, passing through the Diois, the Luberon, the Verdon or the Drôme Provençale, we propose to make you live a unique experience around this exceptional plant.

Map of the Routes de la Lavande®

[:fr]carte depliant 2022 routes de la Lavande[:]


photographe lavande
Clic on the picture to learn about lavender blossoming

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